Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Curtain call

A silver hair freak she wasn’t
Aging gracefully was her intent,
Wait, the sliver of time, doesn’t.
Downhill, toward end,began her descent.


  1. Awww... I think (hopefully) the aging gives us a whole lot more wisdom in the ways of love and the world than when we are young and perhaps a little head strong and foolish, maybe. :)

  2. you know what they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and some woman and men who are aging gracefully are so much more beautiful then those enhanced trying to hide their age.

  3. I agree with oldegg. Sometimes we try too hard to hide our true beauty instead of letting it shine through.

  4. It is like Buddha thought, soul is what important, body is just like a dress we wear on. It just assumes different bodies in different lives.

  5. A few months ago I decided not to color my hair anymore. Turns out I'm completely white and I'm loving it. There is such freedom in accepting what is and not having to mess around with illusion! It's a downhill ride but I've got my hands in the air, laughing, and enjoying it.

  6. Silver hair can look magical..maybe getting older is magical too..lovely write..Jae

  7. lovely....just coming back from inner soul says....nicely done and thanks for sharing your words


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