Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snarled in success?

Tangled, I am in
A mesh of my own making.
Not even worth,
the moolah I am raking.

With a fine tooth comb,
I go through several listings,
Shake out of my inertia
Cutting off the apron strings.

A new year,
A new beginning awaited
Likely to be disappointed,
Can never be sated.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Supercilious Superior

Sucking a lollipop, he came,
Showing off, he had some game,
To mankind, he was a shame,
As he set out, to others, maim.

Buckling under arbitrary pressure,
Evading reality in large measure,
A wedge he created for his pleasure,
Becoming a mean people crusher.

From integrity to deviousness,
On power, beginning to obsess,
Losing along the way, his finesse,
Falling into abyss, beyond redress.

As we lament the adverse loss,
Of a first rate superior boss,
Things will never be the way it was,
Life, but, shall go on without a pause.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blazing Blizzard

A snowflake, like none other,
Zillions together, our lives they hinder.
Nature in her purest form of fury,
We stand a chance, before it, nary.

Cars spun around like hot wheels minis,
Passengers amid travel, brought to their knees,
Flying machines of fleeting speed,
To nature’s rage, they all pay heed.

False sense of security from size,
SUVs, leviathans strewn around like dice.
Humbled with gratitude of life spared,
Shaken by how routines were impaired.

Colossal trees snapping like twigs,
In heavy winds, all doing jigs,
Not a soul escaped its wrath,
Shuddering to think of its aftermath.

(Sunday Scribblings)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pause ahead!

Putting in perspective,
My disappointing thoughts,
I count my blessings
And pray for the have-nots.

This year tested me so,
Me and my dear ones,
I’d dare not lean to look
And I pray for no reruns.

In utter humility I seek,
Something to look ahead to
Will I get to dabble in
Life and its gifts anew?

Monday, December 13, 2010

A let down, feeling cheated,
I always knew life was unfair,
I wish I could be more heated,
I need to blow off some air.

Years I gave for this one,
Like a scrap, I get dropped
Rhyme and reason, there's none
Okay! I know I didn't get chopped.

I do well, not just well, great
I pour blood and sweat into,
This hurt, won't soon abate,
A lot of pain, this will stew.

Feeling like the world's end.
Trying to shake it out,
With a reminder to contend,
A vocation, ultimately to flout.

Hoping at the end of it, some gain!
Borne throughout for years,
Toiling away to point of pain,
Shed many a load of tears.