Thursday, April 30, 2009

NaPoWriMo 09

With a contented sigh, I let go,
Of this eventful April, for now,
I mark complete this race of mine,
A poem a day, I set out to design.

The path indeed was fraught,
With lack of time, I constantly fought,
I look back at the month past,
I admit I did have a blast!

Rhyme away, I did, to my joy,
Prompts many, I did employ,
Encouragement from many a one,
That just added to the fun!

With gratitude I am filled,
If only I was better skilled,
Of expertise I make no claims,
Just participation is among my aims!


  1. Congratulations on making it all the way through the month. I love the rhythms of your lines.

  2. yes agree nice rythms keep up the writing

  3. Hurray, well done girl, bravo!


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback