Saturday, June 13, 2009

Poems by a budding poet

Guest poet: Someone's niece

‘Someone’s Niece’ is all of 6 years old and loves writing and reciting poems! This is her maiden attempt at writing

Pop Corn:
Pop Pop Pop
Popcorn sweet
I like Popcorn
Do you like Popcorn?

School!!!! Its the first day of school
I love school

Old Cat Young Cat
Black Cat, White Cat
Do you like cats?


  1. wow! Someone's niece,
    Your poems are so nice! You are a wonderful poet...

    Here is a poem for you:

    A nice little girl,
    With beautiful curls,
    Who is a lot of fun
    And is loved by everyone!!!

  2. Missy Miss Miss-
    all but just six?
    Wow, such fun poems
    you've captured
    in your li'l fist-

    with each word you rhyme
    creativity shall thrive.
    budding you might be-
    yet stunning you shall be
    keep going,keep poemin'
    my best wishes to you.

  3. Hello Someone's Niece~ How sweet. Those are some really nice poems. Keep up the good work. Have a nice day.

  4. Such cute words coming from a 6 year old! Keep it up, girl ! Never hesitate to pick up the pen and write when you have poetry idea! Good job !
    Another aunt called anamika

  5. Hey li'l one... those are very cute poems.. As cute as the writer herself.. :) Keep up the good work, someone's niece..


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback