Monday, May 5, 2008

Three men

"Three men", if I say, would suffice,
Like the three blind mice,
Or like the monkeys three,
Made of wood, that once was a tree.

A gasp, a frown and a smile,
All been there for a while,
They look hollowed out,
But, standing tall, without doubt.

Their faces show them to be 'wise'
Who, not long ago, were held in a vice,
They, with their bodes, mis-formed,
Portray a sense of being informed.

As they silently keep watch,
Of the envious glances, they catch,
With legs that hold them stable,
To have the last laugh, they are able.

This sculpture, this piece of art,
Among other things, does impart,
Albeit being little and small,
It does have the quality to enthrall.


  1. Nicely done, Just Someone. You wrote an observant poem. Have a nice night.

  2. hey iam catching up, i havent attempted any prompts-just been taking a break, you are doing superb with them, liked this much. But I liked the one for your mom the is such a beautiful tribute on Mother's Day, well done....caught the poetry meme, thanks for the mention, that was so sweet of you...let me read some more


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback