Monday, August 4, 2008

Jolt of joy!

Monday Mural

A delicate beauty, gleaming,
Slowly, by the sun scorched.
Wilting away, withering off
Shriveling gradually in fatigue.

All it takes is a sprinkle,
A cloudy respite would do,
Back to blossoming it goes,
Unmindful of sun's fury.

Isn't life ever so similar?
Challenges all along the way,
Droopy shoulders let out a sigh,
all need a breath of fresh air!

A little spray is what we need,
No one awaits a pouring shower
Little pearls of joy one collects,
To smile away all the tears.


  1. Everyone and everything needs some attention sometime. Nice job. Have a nice day.

  2. The last stanza sums up the poem so nicely-- 'little pearls of joy'. I carry that line around with me today.

  3. I liked this much JS, so very ties in with the subject "Jolt of Joy" so much and it is exactly what I needed for this week :)


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback