Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Cusp of seasons?

It is threatening to rain,
Dark clouds covering sun’s glare,
The day just lost its luster,
Gray can never surpass the shine.

Isn’t it still summer?
Where did seasons go?
Are the leaves ready to fall?
And, rains waiting to pour?

In the cusp of seasons,
Oscillating from cold to warm,
Can I still wait in anticipation,
Of a hot day, before moving on?


  1. you've done a great service to what it's like to feel the change in seasons. Well done.

  2. I just wonder how day has lost its luster if gray can never surpass the shine. I suppose that does not mean that the gray cannot tarnish the shine, but, it makes me pause and break the flow, and I don't want to do that.

    That is my feedback, although I do love the sentiment that gray can never surpass the shine.

    Still, I love the questions in the second verse and the idea of the cusp of seasons, although it seems to me that your narrator is oscillating from peak to trough, zenith to nadir, warm to cold, ...and not hovering on a cusp, a turning point...

  3. The summer is definitely going. You captured it excellently here.

  4. coming from someone who loathes seasons, that was beautiful anyway

  5. Even the thought of an onset of rain fills my heart with joy not ti mention the torrid summer here.
    Anticipation is what I can do..


  6. its so great to see in what direction every one takes the prompts.
    perfect timely piece and yes.. we are on the cusp of fall already aren't we?

  7. We are waiting for rains here. Nice one.

  8. Works for me - here it's either hot and wet - as it is now - or hot and dry.

  9. You used the three words very seamlessly...I will be sad to see summer go, because it means that winter is around the corner. *shiver*

    Great read! :~)

  10. Phew, seasonal you! Nicely!! I love that word 'oscillating'!!!

  11. I love the rain. We've had plenty of thunderstorms here, the past few days.

  12. I hear Garrison Keillor's voice when I read this.

  13. Well said.. Just that its the contrary here. The cusp from summer to rains was to happen 2 months back and yet the shine persists...

  14. I, too, am feeling the ominous shift and yearning for just one more summer - right now! :) Very nice work - very!

  15. well written, poetic endeavors. i think we've seen the last of the really hot days as fall is quickly approaching. i think fall is the prettiest time of year with all it's reds, oranges and yellows.


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback