Thursday, September 24, 2009


Powers, I have, a great amount.
The world, all of it, I did surmount.
The master of the universe I am,
Anywhere, anytime I can cram.

Clean up this land, I did in a snap,
Peace and prosperity all over the map,
I did all of this, sitting in a chair,
See, I am superpowers' apparent heir.

Invisible, I can be, anytime I want,
No task, ever, will it daunt!
A moment is all it will ever take,
Of course, that is, until I awake!


  1. I really enjoyed this! Don't we all wish we could save the world by just snapping our fingers?

  2. i thought this was a fantasy piece until i read the ending. being able to help the world would be great. even in our sleep we could come up with ideas on how to clean it. great write. hope all is well.

  3. Witty and wise. I like the notion of power dissipating when one wakes, as this has metaphoric power: waking can be a kind of enlightenment, a realization of one's limitations, that power is something one might fear, even with its potential for good.

  4. Hmm.. interesting. And I know it's not fair, but I could have even wished for there to be no last line! I told you - unfair! Short and sweet, a lovely image in your hand that you made. Shall we believe in Peter Pan? Perhaps we should. Lovely words and well written too. Thank you, yes.

  5. Oh, thank heaven you've arrived to fix the...oh, no! It was just a dream? Fun read!

  6. This is delightful; love the turn!

    (And you can give us a link to any poem on Thursdays -- you don't "have" to write to prompt. Really. We mean that. :-) )


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback