Friday, July 10, 2009

Circus ruckus

On this October evening divine,
Plans for a trip are in the design,
Of all the places, where do we go?
Soon enough, you’ll come to know.

Off to see all the animals, there,
Something else that not many’d dare,
Acrobats and flamethrowers around,
So many things that do astound.

Ropes of the trapeze were strained,
Performers for hours had trained,
The clowns came out to give a pose,
Keeping the others, on their toes.

The ringmaster is the spine,
Majestic is his royal reign,
Other things add to the ruckus,
That was our trip to the circus!

1 comment:

  1. Well written Just Someone. It reminds me of the last time I went to a circus. I went with my boyfriend (my current husband) and my daughter. We had a great time. Thanks for the reminder. Have a great night.


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