Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Kneeling in the garden,
Atop a transparent seat,
Soil under her will harden,
But she will keep at it.

Praying for her sanity,
All she seeks is peace,
Letting go of her vanity,
From suffering, her release.

A tragedy hanging in the loom,
Which she seeks to destroy,
There is a consuming gloom,
But she looks for the joy!

Subdued, she won’t be,
Rising from the ground,
From everything she’s free,
And with happiness surround.


  1. Always good when one can rise from the gloom to find happiness. Nice job. Hope all is well.

  2. it is beautifully sad....i dont know why i found it sad..

  3. there was a sad tinge to this... but also a sense of light.. well done... :)

  4. I love the idea of rising and the last line
    "And with happiness surround"


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback