Saturday, April 26, 2008


Valuation and recommendation,
Analyst and market specialist,
Earnings surprises and market reaction,
A few terms I work amidst.

Share repurchase and dividend,
Merge on one hand, divest on the other,
Write-off and bad debts seem to have no end,
Acquisitions swell as targets disappear.

Investor sentiment, not an emotion,
Modeling an exponential equation,
historical prices and Brownian motion,
Few exposures of my vocation.

Stress is on speed and accuracy,
human errors have no room,
Tensions abound in a frenzy,
be it recession or a boom.

Graphs, charts and spreadsheets,
Each one has its own quirks,
I love what I do, and all its treats,
And, with it come all the above perks!


  1. good one for put it beautifully well..

  2. i like your poem and, am happy you like your work so much! lots of perks is not bad, either.


Thank you for reading; and thank you in advance for the feedback