Friday, April 18, 2008

A tall tale

Aboard the caprussule they left
Back into time, they would mozzle
At maneuvering it, they were adept
In outer space, cozily they nuzzle

Soon, they reached centuries back
Worried that on them, others would prey
They huddled together, with their cack
All they wanted was to find their skrey

Once they had what they came for
Off they went, traveling eons
A tale of adventure from yore
Of creatures known as glureons!


  1. his was a particularly hard friday five.. bravo on your entry!!!

  2. Outer Space or Time Travel? Either way, you have done a nice job here with the five words. I'm still working on mine. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a nice night.

  3. very nice...i couldnt find the time to think up a tall tale like yours...;) but this was superb indeed.

  4. Love this story and the words actually made sense in your work. Grin. They were quite difficult!


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